Indianapolis Jewish Community Center News & Events

Cathy Kravitz, Renaissance Woman

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(Published Feb 22, 2021) Having been a member for over 30 years, Cathy Kravitz is something of a JCC celebrity. As a daily lap swimmer who has also participated in dance aerobics and tennis programs, taught art to the kids in the Early Childhood Education program and even exhibited in the JCC’s art gallery, she […]

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Joe Johnson is All Heart

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(Published Jan 25, 2021) To look at Joe Johnson, you might not guess that he had a heart transplant just over 11 years ago. The way he tells it, his exercise routine hasn’t even changed that much from before the transplant: “It’s just that I can do more reps now. I got stronger.” Making sure […]

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George Heslin, Firefighter-in-Training

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(Published Dec 28, 2020) George Heslin has enjoyed the J’s facilities recreationally for years — at summer camp as a child and more recently utilizing the gym and the pool as he tried on teaching and culinary careers before realizing they were not what he wanted. But as he embarks upon his journey to becoming […]

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This is the J

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(Published Aug 11, 2020) The J is more than a building, it’s a community. We are individuals like Linda Evans and Denis Kurmanov. And we are couples like Andy and Laura Gzibovskis and families like Jill and Gaby Casey.  The J is an inclusive and diverse community of people who have a place in common. […]

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Meet the Wippers

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(Published April 7, 2020) “Passover is a perfect way to introduce Judaism to those who are not Jewish, because there’s so much participation,” said Hannah Wipper, a lifelong JCC member who was raised proudly Jewish by her Jewish father and Catholic mother. Growing Up Multi-Faith  As a child, Hannah was exposed to both Judaism and […]

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Youth Soccer at the J with Coach Jennie

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(Published Mar 10, 2020) Jennie Carr and her family have been JCC members for almost eight years and throughout that time have come in to the facility at least five days a week. The kids have been involved in several areas of the J — early childhood, afterschool care, camp, basketball, martial arts, dance, gymnastics […]

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A Week at the J with the Calilis

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(Published Feb 4, 2020) Between the five of them (mom Laura, dad Rotem and kids Noa, Rahm and Oren), the Calilis are at the J virtually every day: Laura and Rotem work out with a trainer or on their own, the kids participate in one of the many athletic activities the J offers, or they […]

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The Incredible Gzibovskis: One Year Later

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(Published Dec 1, 2019) A year ago, the J Magazine cover story and accompanying blog post featuring Andy and Laura Gzibovskis (and their two kids, Olivia and Luke) called them “The Incredible Gzibovskis,” touting the fitness journey the family has been on since the beginning of 2018 and the 160 pounds lost between them at […]

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Donna Segal, Volunteer Extraordinaire

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(Published Oct 10, 2019) Donna Segal and her family have been members of the J for more than 50 years. From her daughters attending and later working at summer camp and as lifeguards at the pool to her and her husband using the Mordoh Fitness Center to “rebuild their strength and soul” after they each […]

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Ms. Kate’s Recipe for the High Holidays

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(Published Sep 17, 2019) For ECE teacher Kate O. and her daughter Miriam, the High Holidays mean a solid month of everything being sticky, thanks to Miriam’s love of dipping apples in honey, a Rosh Hashana custom. But even more than that, Kate and Miriam love the communal aspects of celebrating the High Holidays, whether […]

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