J Cares Service at the JCC Indianapolis
The JCC Indianapolis has an active community service group called J Cares that was launched by volunteers for Thanksgiving in 2021. Other projects taken on and completed by the J Cares group have included a children’s book drive to benefit Indy Book Project: Books for All Children and a food drive for Washington Township Schools.
Join Today!
The goal of J Cares is to activate and engage our J community in service to the greater community. Projects include food, clothing, and book drives, as well as beautification or environmental clean-up projects. The group meets monthly to review project submissions and plan for future community service projects.
If you are interested in joining J Cares, contact us today.
Turkey Drive
The J Cares Turkey Drive provides hundreds of neighbors in need with the necessities to help offset the cost of their Thanksgiving meal. Gift cards will be distributed through partnering agencies who have identified deserving families. For just $36, your donation can help one of these families gather around a full Thanksgiving table.
Why $36? The number 18 symbolizes life ("chai") in Judaism, so 36 is "double chai" — enrich someone else's life, plus your own by doing a mitzvah (good deed)!
Taking Care of Others Is a Core Jewish Value
The concept of community service is closely tied to the basic Jewish value of tikkun olam (repairing the world), which urges us to make a difference in the lives of others who may be less fortunate.