Core on the Floor Exercise Classes at the JCC Indianapolis
Take it to the floor in the Marcia and Bruce Sklare JFIT Studio at the JCC Indianapolis with an intentional core and stability workout that is floor/mat based with various postures to engage, strengthen and tone.
The Benefits of Targeted Exercise
- Abdominal Exercise: Abdominal muscles help stabilize your core. They also assist your breathing, allow movement, protect your internal organs, and affect postural support and balance. Your abdominals act as an anchor for muscles of the mid and lower back. Abdominal strength improves the endurance of the muscles of your back, so you fatigue less easily and are less vulnerable to strain or injury. Strong abdominals also support good posture by helping prop up your spine, so it feels more natural to stand tall with your arms and legs in alignment.
The Benefits of Group Exercise
- Motivation and Accountability: One of the best things about exercising in a group is that individuals of different ages and abilities can support each other. You will undoubtedly be motivated to push yourself harder knowing others are there. Group exercise is the perfect middle ground between working out alone and hiring a trainer. The instructors in group classes demonstrate each move and ensure that everyone is following along correctly.
- Structure: There are so many elements to think about if you want your workout to be well rounded and safe. The instructor plans a balanced workout using different muscle groups and ensures that they are not overworked. And, your brain doesn’t get overworked because all you have to do is follow along while the instructor does all the thinking.
- Socializing: Group fitness classes are the ideal place to meet new, like-minded people. The group begins to act as a support to help each other stick with goals and make new ones. These positive influences are critical to long term success.
In addition to the benefits of exercise, there are benefits to participating in a group class.
Core on the Floor Is for …
A Core on the Floor class is for anyone and everyone. Some groups that are most interested in this class include:
- Women ages 21-54 who want to tone and shape their bodies.
- Men and women ages 60 and older who want to avoid developing back pain or stooped shoulders.
- Men ages 21-54 looking to build their core.
Free to Members
Classes are 45 minutes long and start promptly to be respectful of participants’ time. Core on the Floor classes at the JCC are a benefit of membership and free to members.
Fitness Is a Core Jewish Value
At the JCC, fitness isn’t just something we do; it’s who we are. Although exercise is not mentioned in the Torah, taking care of one’s health is. In fact, while other belief systems advocate for the healing power of prayer, Judaism encourages people to look after their health and seek counsel from medical experts. In Judaism, good health is not a goal in itself; rather, it is a means to an end – to serve the Creator.