Indianapolis Jewish Community Center News & Events

New Year’s Resolutions at the JCC

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Happy New Year from our staff at the JCC Indianapolis! A new year is a great opportunity to start fresh and make your goals happen. We love watching our clients get inspired and make changes to better their lifestyles in the New Year. For many, New Year’s resolutions can vary, but they are almost always […]

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Walter Bishop Runs Again

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Walter Bishop has always been a runner. “Thirty years ago I used to run a lot – half-marathons, all kinds of things,” he said. But as he’s gotten older, it’s gotten harder. When he started training solo for a 5K in 2021, he ended up injuring his hamstring. His do-it-yourself rehab attempts were unsuccessful, so […]

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December Happenings at the JCC

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December and January are great times to check out the JCC Indianapolis. As we head into winter break and school is out, there are still events and classes to take advantage of in addition to the Festival of Lights. Celebrate Chanukah, then get a jump start on your New Year’s resolutions and new habits by […]

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JCC in Early December 

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As 2022 reaches its final month, events are still taking place at the JCC Indianapolis. Through the end of the year, there are still quite a few cultural, informational, and inspirational sessions to take advantage of. In early December we are offering several events focused on fitness and children. 

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Chanukah at Dorit Paul’s

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The Jewish COMMUNITY Center “There wasn’t much going on in town when I got married in the 1950s,” Dorit Paul said. So in that regard, joining the then-Kirshbaum Center (at the time located at 23rd and Meridian) for the social activities was a no-brainer, especially because her in-laws were already members. Then when the JCC […]

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Keeping the Lights On

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Help the J receive matching funds! A Note from Mark and Mary Grove You may have seen us around the J – we’re in almost every day, sometimes twice! We’ve been members for almost 30 years, and while our health insurance plan would cover the cost of our membership at some other fitness centers in […]

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JCC in early November 

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Early November is an exciting time full of many events at the JCC Indianapolis. The Ann Katz Festival of the Arts and Books kicked off on October 24 and runs through November 13. The festival features a variety of authors, film screenings, and art exhibitions. Today, we are highlighting some of the festival’s feature events.

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Rosh Hashana and Sukkot with the Rosenfelds

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Jewish Roots on Hoover Road Monica Rosenfeld and family are a strong thread in the fabric of the Indianapolis Jewish community: Her father Mark Hasten (of blessed memory) and his brother Hart co-founded Hasten Hebrew Academy 50 years ago, just down the street from the JCC on Hoover Road. Add in the fact that Congregation […]

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The J-Borhood

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The Arthur M. Glick JCC is more than a gym, an early childhood education program or a camp program; we’re a community, a J-borhood. Everyone is welcome. Meet some of the people who make us who we are. Meet Abigail, Elizabeth and Sterling Mental, emotional and social health (MESH) needs exist on a spectrum and […]

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JCC Campers Now Camp Counselors

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Some campers have so much fun at Camp JCC that they never want to leave. And when they age out? They become camp counselors! Many of them have been counselors multiple years. And the Award Goes To … A huge shout out to Sterling Zweigel who has been in camp leadership at the JCC for […]

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