Jewish Community Center

An Evening with Moshe Basson of the Eucalyptus Restaurant

26oct7:00 pm9:30 pmAn Evening with Moshe Basson of the Eucalyptus RestaurantJoin us for food, libations, and a program that delves deep into food of the land of milk and honey.

Event Details

In his Jerusalem restau­rant, chef Moshe Bas­son seeks to bring ​“a mod­ern Israeli inter­pre­ta­tion to the Land of Milk and Hon­ey with food from the Bible.” This may be a lofty aim, but it is mag­nif­i­cent­ly achieved.

Bas­son opened his first Euca­lyp­tus restau­rant in 1986, which he named for the tree he plant­ed one Tu B’Shevat near his fam­i­ly home in Jerusalem. Today, the restau­rant is locat­ed out­side Jerusalem’s city walls, in the artists’ colony, and reser­va­tions are essential.

Bas­son is an inter­na­tion­al­ly-renowned Mas­ter Chef spe­cial­iz­ing in Mod­ern Israeli-Bib­li­cal cui­sine. Uti­liz­ing his school­ing in agri­cul­ture and pas­sion for study­ing ancient script, Bas­son has incor­po­rat­ed into the restaurant’s kosher menu many dish­es that are based on foods eat­en for many cen­turies in this region.

Join us for an evening of Kosher Israeli food and a discussion of food, spirituality, and the Holy Land.

This is a Jewish Book Council Program.

Basson will be intereviewed by restauranteur and founder of Won’t Stop Hospitality, Martha Hoover.

Sponsored by Gadi Boukai Realtor and his team with FC Tucker Company, and Lauren Zoll and Andy Helmbock.



October 26, 2024 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm(GMT-05:00)


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