Cardio Strength Classes at the JCC Indianapolis
These high-energy total body classes at JCC Indianapolis combine cardio movements and strength exercises to maximize your workout through endurance-boosting interval training. Burn and Tone uses bodyweight, resistance bands, and light weights to build strength and definition, and Cardio Strength Fusion ups the ante with medium to heavy weights for added intensity to push the limits of power and agility.
Benefits of Cardio and Strength Training
- Improved muscle strength and tone – to protect your joints from injury.
- Maintaining flexibility and balance, which can help you remain independent as you age.
- Weight management and increased muscle-to-fat ratio – as you gain muscle, your body burns more than when at rest.
- Greater stamina – as you grow stronger, you won’t get tired as easily.
- Improved posture.
When doing cardio, you breathe faster and more deeply, which maximizes the amount of oxygen in your blood and makes your heart beat faster, which then increases blood flow to your muscles and back to your lungs. Over time, your heart becomes stronger and more efficient, and your arteries are kept clear of buildup. Plus, your body releases endorphins, natural painkillers that promote an increased sense of well-being. Cardio can help lower blood pressure and control blood sugar, which then reduces the risk of conditions like obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, stroke and certain types of cancer.
Strength training benefits include:
A Cardio Strength Class Is Best Suited for …
- Anyone can be in the same class, from a beginner to a bodybuilder. The weight amounts may vary, but the technique stays the same.
- Women, ages 55-75, to protect against bone loss. As you’re lifting weights, you’re growing new, stronger bones.
- Working professionals, men, and women ages 24-55, who need to maximize their exercise in a short amount of time.
Cardio strength training is great for all age groups: young, middle-aged, and older adults.
What to Expect
In the strength training portion of the class, you’ll be moving heavy objects, or your body, in a way that creates resistance. You may also use machines like a bike or rower.
These classes are free as a benefit of membership and are for JCC members only.
Visit our Schedules page for days and times we offer cardio strength classes
Fitness Is a Core Jewish Value
At the JCC, fitness isn’t just something we do; it’s who we are. Although exercise is not mentioned in the Torah, taking care of one’s health is. In fact, while other belief systems advocate for the healing power of prayer, Judaism encourages people to look after their health and seek counsel from medical experts. In Judaism, good health is not a goal in itself; rather, it is a means to an end – to serve the Creator.