Adult Sports Leagues at the JCC Indianapolis
Why should kids get to have all the fun? The JCC Indianapolis adult athletic leagues let grown-ups continue playing their favorite sports with old and new friends. Adult recreation leagues are competitive but not cutthroat, allowing for a relaxed atmosphere while still getting hearts pumping.
Shoot around in the open gym! See our Schedules page for available times. For something more organized, come to a pick-up basketball session! Pick-up basketball for adults meets in the Cohen Gymnasium, 9:30-11:30 a.m. on Sundays. Bring your own basketballs or use the ones the J has on hand in the big gym.
The JCC partners with Circle City Athletics to host a Thursday evening dodgeball league (day subject to change based on gym availability and registration numbers). Register as an individual or as a full team. Rosters of up to 10 people, eight players per side are on the floor at once.
The JCC partners with IndySabre to make the art and sport of fencing fun and accessible through different fencing games and learning fencing basics.
Master Jean-Pierre Decaudin teaches Korean self-defense and combat disciplines Tae Kwon Do, the way of the foot and the hand, and Hapkido, the way of harmony, on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Promotion tests to move up to the next Tae Kwon Do belt are given every three months. Students must participate in Tae Kwon Do class to take Hapkido.
This paddle sport combining tennis, badminton and ping pong has taken over the nation! The JCC has a dedicated group of players who are always looking to welcome new faces into the fold. See our Schedules page for open play times (under Gym Schedules).
If you’re looking for something more structured, the JCC partners with Circle City Athletics to host two-on-two pickleball leagues on Wednesday evenings and Sunday afternoons. Days subject to change based on gym availability and registration numbers.
The JCC has three racquetball courts available for member use at no charge on a first-come, first-served basis. Open play is offered on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings. Players should bring their own equipment.
The JCC partners with Circle City Athletics to host a spring/summer softball league on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Days are subject to change based on field availability and registration numbers. Register as an individual or as a full team. Rosters of up to 12 people; 10 players per side are on the field at once.
Additionally, the Synagogue Softball League of Indianapolis (SSLI) plays on the J’s Kaufman Stadium field each summer.
Play tennis any which way! Join a league, take private lessons to boost your skills, try cardio tennis for an even more intense workout, or book court time for additional practice and play. The JCC has also offered wheelchair tennis, proving once again that tennis is a sport for everyone.
The JCC partners with Circle City Athletics to host a volleyball league Sunday through Thursday evenings (days subject to change based on gym availability and registration numbers). Register as an individual or as a full team. Rosters of six to nine people, six players per side are on the floor at once.