Jewish Community Center

Virtual Taste of the Ann Katz Festival: Michael W. Twitty

15sep12:30 pmVirtual Taste of the Ann Katz Festival: Michael W. TwittyAuthor of "Koshersoul." In conversation with Adeena Sussman

Event Details

Presented in partnership with the Jewish Book Council.

Join Jew­ish Book Coun­cil and best-sel­l­­ing author Michael W. Twit­ty in a con­ver­sa­tion about iden­ti­ty, food, cul­ture, and inter­sec­tion­al­i­ty. Kosh­er­soul is a thought-pro­vok­ing mem­oir that looks at the cre­ation of African-Jew­ish foods as a result of migra­tion and the dias­po­ra. Michael Twit­ty will be joined by Adeena Suss­man, food writer and author of the upcom­ing book Shab­bat: Recipes and Rit­u­als From My Table To Yours.

Michael W. Twit­ty is a not­ed culi­nary and cul­tur­al his­to­ri­an and the cre­ator of Afro­culi­nar­ia, the first blog devot­ed to African Amer­i­can his­toric food­ways and their lega­cies. Twit­ty has appeared through­out the media, includ­ing on NPR’The Splen­did Table, and has giv­en more than 250 talks in the Unit­ed States and abroad.

Adeena Suss­man has co-authored eleven cook­books, includ­ing the New York Times #1 best­seller Crav­ings—and its best­selling fol­low-up Hun­gry for More—with Chris­sy Teigen. She is also the author of Tahi­ni. She moved to Israel in 2015 and lives foot­steps from Carmel Mar­ket. She has writ­ten about Israeli food for Food & Wine, The Wall Street Jour­nal, and many oth­ers. Her forth­com­ing book is Shab­bat: Recipes and Rit­u­als from My Table to Yours.

To pur­chase Kosher­soul, click here or here! You can also pur­chase Adeena Suss­man­’s Saba­ba here!


Virtual Event Details

Event has already taken place!


September 15, 2022 12:30 pm(GMT-05:00)



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Lev Rothenberg

JCC Director of Arts & Education

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