Juliek's Violin
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Juliek’s Violin is an exploration of music and the Holocaust through performances and storytelling. Created by pianist Jeffrey Jamner, this program will include music of Chopin, Bruch, Bloch, Kreisler, and Beethoven.
Jamner will be joined by violinist Shoshana Kay, a former member of the Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra, and a regular performer with the Cincinnati Symphony, the Louisville Orchestra, and Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra.
The program will include stories of Jamner’s family who survived the Holocaust and created a new life in America, bringing with them their love of music. The program will culminate in a reading from Elie Wiesel’s Night, during which Shoshana Kay will play on a Violin of Hope, a violin that had been owned by and played by Jewish musicians during World War II, and has been lovingly restored to once again bring beauty and hope into the world.
September 22, 2022 7:00 pm(GMT-05:00)
Arthur M Glick JCC